Heath Old Boys Association Constitution

Adopted at the AGM held on .

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1 Name

The Association shall be known as Heath Old Boys Association (hereafter referred to as the Association).

2 Objects

The Objects of the Association are:

  1. to perpetuate the ethos and tradition of Heath Grammar School and the sense of comradeship, society and good fellowship between the pupils and staff who attended Heath Grammar School,
  2. to support in a manner determined by the Committee Crossley Heath School, Heath Grammar School having merged with Crossley and Porter Grammar School in 1985.

3 Powers

The Powers of the Association are:

  1. to promote the objects set out in paragraph 2 by
    1. maintaining the website of the Association,
    2. holding social events for members and their guests including Founders Day and an annual dinner and
    3. setting up a Management Committee (the Committee) in accordance with paragraph 6,
  2. to raise funds and open a bank account,
  3. to obtain, hire or lease equipment and premises,
  4. to appoint trustees to hold property,
  5. to network and form partnerships with other organisations and agencies and
  6. to do all such other lawful things as are necessary to further the objects of the Association.

4 Membership

  1. Membership of the Association shall be open to all who support its objects and who have paid the annual subscription as laid down from time to time by the Committee.
  2. The Committee shall keep an up to date record of membership.
  3. Membership may be terminated by the Committee on the grounds of a member acting against the objects of the Association or bringing it into disrepute.

5 Meetings of the association

5.1 Annual general meeting
  1. An annual general meeting shall be held by the end of October each year, the date, time and place to be determined by the Committee.
  2. Each annual general meeting shall be convened by the Secretary who shall give notice thereof at least 21 days before the date of that meeting by advertisement on the website of the Association.
  3. Any motion for consideration at the annual general meeting must be in the hands of the Secretary no later than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting.
  4. The business of the annual general meeting shall include:
    1. adoption of the annual report and accounts,
    2. election of the Committee and its officers,
    3. appointment of an independent examiner of the annual statement of accounts of the Association.
  5. Nominations for the Committee should be submitted to the Secretary 24 hours before the AGM. If there are more nominations than there are vacancies to be filled, then an election shall be held.
  6. Each member present shall be entitled to one vote.
  7. The quorum for both the AGM and special meetings will be 10 voting members or one tenth of the membership whichever of these is the least.
5.2 Special general meeting

A special general meeting shall be convened at the request of at least five members, made in writing to the Secretary, giving 21 days notice. Such a meeting shall be held within 30 days of that request. Agenda and motions submitted shall be publicised as set out in paragraph 5.1.2 above.

6 Management Committee

The duty of the Committee will be to carry out the objects, provide the management and control the affairs of the Association.

  1. At the AGM of the Association the members shall elect from themselves a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary (the Officers) who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting plus not less than four and not more than eight additional members of the Committee.
  2. The Committee shall have the authority to co-opt additional members as necessary. The co-opted members shall not have voting rights.
  3. In the event of any committee members resigning before expiry of office the Committee shall co-opt a member to fill this vacancy. In the event of an Officer resigning a replacement shall be elected by the Committee from amongst its own members.
  4. All members shall resign at the end of the AGM but shall be eligible for re- election.
  5. The Committee shall meet no less than four times annually.
  6. There shall be a quorum when at least one third of the number of the Committee for the time being or five members of the Committee, whichever is the greater, are present at a meeting.
  7. The Committee shall keep minutes of the proceedings at meetings of the Committee and any sub committee.
  8. The Committee may invite any persons with particular knowledge, experience or skill to attend committee meetings on special issues but without having the right to vote.
  9. The Committee may set up sub committees and working groups from time to time, establishing their terms of reference and delegated responsibilities as appropriate.
  10. All Committee members should be sent written notice of all meetings at least seven days in advance of such meetings unless, when there is urgent business, shorter notice may be given in agreement with the Secretary.

7 Finance

  1. The Treasurer shall keep account of all income and expenditure and shall submit accounts to each meeting of the Committee.
  2. A bank or building society account shall be established in the name of the Association and withdrawals shall be made in its name on the signature of any two of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and two other members of the Committee as nominated by the Committee.
  3. Members of the Committee may claim out of pocket expenses while on business of the Association.
  4. The Treasurer shall make up the annual statement of accounts of the Association to the end of July in each year which shall after being certified be presented to the AGM.
  5. The annual statement of accounts will be certified by an independent appropriately financially experienced person.

8 Alterations to the constitution

  1. This constitution may be altered by means of a resolution passed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting at a quorate annual general meeting or a quorate special meeting held for that purpose.
  2. Any alterations to this constitution shall take immediate effect, providing that such implementation shall not run counter to any other provision of this constitution.

9 Dissolution

  1. The Association may be dissolved at any time by means of a resolution agreed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting at any annual general meeting or special meeting called for that purpose.
  2. The assets of the Association will be distributed as voted upon at that meeting, following the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, to another voluntary organisation with similar objects.