Tips on searching the website

As the website grows, it may not be obvious where to locate something.

  1. Try the main headings; for example, anything about sport is most likely to be in Sports memories while whole school photos are in the Gallery.
  2. For news items — most of which are removed after a year — try searching the Bibliography on the News and events page. Most items which are on the website are in the Bibliography because the Newsletters generally only contain material which has already been on the website. The section of the Newsletter in which you find something will also give you a clue as to the section of the website where you might find similar material.
  3. Use Google Advanced search:
    • enter in your browser
    • enter the name of the person/topic (don’t try ‘rugby’ or you get hundreds of hits!) you want to search for — in the example below, any reference to ‘Wilson’
    • scroll down to site or domain and enter
    • click on Advanced Search below and only results relating to the HOBA website will appear.
Options to restrict searches, showing restriction to HOBA website
Options to restrict searches, showing restriction to HOBA website