Wiseman, Gain, Owen, Coleman and Holt

In an issue of The Heathen in 1936 there is a witty piece of writing that begins:

A Wiseman would tell you that if you had made any Gain you would first pay what you were Owen to the Coleman and then keep Holt of the rest.

H Victor Wiseman taught history and economics. On leaving Heath he became a lecturer in Philosophy at Leeds University and a member of a group of academics called ‘The 51 Society’ whose debates were broadcast by the BBC. He was replaced at Heath by Barclay S. Fraser who skied to school in snowy weather and became Scoutmaster of ‘C’ section.

Norman Gain taught classics. He was often called ‘Larry’ after boxer Larry Gains but more usually ‘Kata’ from the Greek phrase κατα γην και θαλασσαν (by land and sea).

Arthur Owen, senior classics master and second master, crafted the Latin motto Digne et vos este favore (may you also be worthy of favour) on the memorial gates which was admired by fellow classics scholar Enoch Powell.

Francis Coleman, inevitably called ‘Mustard,’ taught Physics.

Arthur (Tishy) Holt taught French and German, ran the tuck shop, played the violin and led the school orchestra. At the end of term he used to read aloud to us from the novels of Stephen Leacock.

John Fletcher [Heath 1936-1941]