Letters from Harry Santiuste [Heath 1948–55]

Harry SantiUste was stimulated by the article in the last newsletter about the Latin grace. Harry writes:

Mr Owen used to recite a shorter version at lunchtimes. With my fragmentary Latin, I usually managed to hear only one word, Benedicas!

My other memory of Mr Owen concerns my failure to adapt to Saturday morning timetable. If there was a morning away fixture for rugby that was alright but otherwise what was the point of attending. Mr Owen’s classic remark on my report was, ‘His occasional absences are far too frequent.’

Harry wonders whether other Heathens can remember comments from their school reports. They would no doubt make an interesting article.

First appeared in Newsletter dated

Dear Jon

Many thanks for the newsletter, which I always enjoy. It’s amazing how many old boys remember teacakes, OXO cubes and crisps bought at the nearby tuck shop. None of us ever thought about marketing flavoured crisps, which would have made us millionaires!

My son has just written his first book which will be published in January 2010; so a plug on the website would be appreciated. The revered history teacher Mr C.O. Mackley would be impressed that I have produced a son who has become a genuine historian unlike myself. The love of history, which he endeavoured to instil into me, was not in vain.

David Santiuste (2010) Edward IV and the Wars of the Roses Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military 978 1 84415 930 7. Available from Amazon.