Charles Stuart Andrew: [Heath 1938–1943]

We are sad to report the death of Charles Stuart Andrew in January 2003. He was at Heath between 1938 and 1943 and was a very active member of Heath Scouts.

Our belated condolences go to Mrs Andrew.

First appeared in Newsletter dated July 2003.

Philip Vernon Ashworth: [Heath 1943–1951]

Philip started at Heath in 1943, took his School Certificate in 1948 and he and I became the first year Maths sixth under Mr Hallows. He won a scholarship to St Catherine's College, Cambridge (1951–1954). From 1954–1956 he did National Service, mainly at Arberfield on a long Radar course.

Philip moved to Hull, joining Blackburn Aircraft, which became part of first Hawker Siddeley then British Aerospace. He became Head of Aircraft Systems before taking early retirement, after which he became a Consulting Engineer with John Kaye.

Philip married Mary Crossley in 1957 (I was Best Man). Mary had been at Crossley & Porter, along with Diana Bolton, Helen Streeter and others. The group of us often played Bridge in the early 50s. Mary died in 2007, six months after their Golden Wedding.

Philip had a very active social life — Chairman of the Hull Male Voice Choir, Secretary of Helping Hands, a Scottish Country Dancer, a member of Probus. When at school he was a keen cyclist. He made very complex Meccano models and this interest remained with him — from Lego Technics to Pocher kits with an enormous number of pieces.

Peter Michael Baigent: [Heath 1957–1965]

Peter died in Stony Brook Hospital, Long Island, New York, USA, on Sunday 1st October 2017. Details to follow.