Margaret Livermore: ?– [Heath 1961–1973]

Margaret Livermore, who was School Secretary from 1961–1973 died on .

Jeremy Rhodes writes: As I recall during my time at Heath in the early ’70s she was a character and held a great deal of influence. Even Walter Swale was in awe of her!

Following her retirement, she contributed the following to The Heathen 1973, 4(4), 33

Most [clerical staff] have left because of their husband’s change of employment or family increase. Unlike my predecessors, I just admitted defeat (after three foot operations since 1966, ‘de feet are defunct’). 11½ years of padding around Heath corridors and stairs in my efforts to ‘persuade’ staff and boys to cooperate in routine matters. Contrary to all belief, there is not always a prefect available when required.

Now, from my new, rather more elevated (three floors off street-level) occupation, where I have gradually readjusted to a much slower pace and shorter hours, I can look back on many happy memories at Heath. I naturally miss everyone very much indeed, but none of us can go on forever, and the parting with old friends (and young) was somewhat painful. I shall always remember the work there as the most variable in my experience and, however much we may have grumbled about the work piling up, interruptions. etc., we always agreed is was a unique occupation.

I am most grateful to the Head Master, Mr Crosby, to the Hon. Sec. of H.O.B., Graham Smith and (not least) to the Editor, for allowing me to express these sentiments within these hallowed pages. Very many thanks to all boys still at school and the young men who have proceeded through those corridors since 1961 for all their kindness and consideration shown to me during my occupation of the school office. My gratitude also to all those occupants of the C.R. who were so very patient with me at all times.

On behalf of the Chairman and Committee of the Halifax and District Branch of the Arthritis and Rheumatism Council on Research, I feel I must take this opportunity of thanking all those conveyors of magazines and other missives to our members since the Branch was founded in 1966. Acting as unpaid postmen you have saved us what must have been a considerable sum over these years and I regard this as your donation to research, and thank you most warmly.

Whatever your chosen niche in life, wherever you may be, I wish you all happiness and success.

God bless you all.

After leaving Heath, Margaret worked for the Marriage Guidance Council for some time.

Cynthia Eames, who succeeded her as Secretary, writes:

After retirement Margaret and Charles created a garden out of ¾ acre of steep moorland which she opened to the public once a year for charity.

For a special birthday she flew on Concorde. She travelled with her brother, Peter, on the Orient Express to Venice.

She was an avid reader on all sorts of topics and a lover of music, especially jazz, and the classics.
