1964 School photo

Peter Rawson kindly sent us the first copy of the 1964 School photo. John Stringer has kindly provided an enhanced version complete with many names to which Peter Robinson has made some further contributions. More recently John Charnock has made a number of further additions and some amendments.

Obviously it is too big to be able to see the detail on anything other than a monstrous monitor. So we have added a version in PDF format to which we have added these names. If you can remember more of those who were present or correct any errors in our failing memories, please contact the Editor.

All the pupils and teachers of the school arranged in seven rows with a rows of boys cross-legged in front of the masters and prefects and the remainder in the rows behind
School photo 1964

View or download the PDF of the 1964 School photo.

With thanks to Peter Rawson [Heath 1958–1965], John Stringer [Heath 1963–1968], Peter Robinson [Heath 1959–1964] and John Charnock [Heath 1962–1969].
